Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dearest Kathy,

Thirty eight years ago today it was a Saturday. A Saturday I won't forget as long as I have my memory. I had benn 13,000 miles away when Frank was born, and so for me this would be the birth of my first child. I have to admit to being a little nervous, so when Mom woke me that morning the scramble started. Mom although in pain was the calmer of us two, I know that is just the way women are. Things went well at first, bag was ready and we had arranged for Frank. That was until I tried to start the car, but you know the story of the jumper cables, which I knew what happened to them.

Things were getting close as we got to the hospital. Mom had been going through contractions during the night but had let me sleep, we were still in love and a team then. I remember the volunteers face as she got Mom in a wheelchair, was she going to make it to labor & delivery on the third floor or was the elevator going to be the new delivery room. As I recall Mom wore that orange and white dress, so I think we would have been ok.

I had just been discharged from the Army, on Friday, and we were not sure the Army insurance was going to cover your delivery, and I was still not employed since we had just decided to stay in Frederick . I was thought we might have to leave you in the hospital for awhile until we could get you out of hock. Of course in those days no fathers in the delivery room so I was left in the Father's waiting room to watch TV or whatever. I believe there was basketball on the tube but I am really not sure since I could not concentrate. It seemed like hours but it was less than one when a nurse came out to tell me YOU were here. I really can't tell you of my emotions at that moment. So many things all at once, over the moon, worried - for the above reasons, and the thought of raising a new person. I had wanted a girl even with Frank's pregnancy, but now you were here. WOW !

You were this beautiful pink bundle, you still are, and they even let me hold you, radical for the time, which brought a whole new rush of feelings. You were so small and so dependent, fatherhood hit me hard, was I going to be able to do my part, and what did that include. They really never teach you that.

I am not sure how well I did in the fatherhood part, but you turned out to be a wonderful woman, together through all the good and especially the hard times, with a wonderful family, that I am so proud of although I can take no credit, and most important a person who is a real positive force in the world.

Happy birthday to a wonderful daughter from a proud father,

Love, Dad

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Here it is!

Hello Poppop and Nana.

This is your lovely (☺) grand-daughter, Brianna, letting you know that your blog is all set up and ready to go!

Looking forward to reading "Fair-View"!



p.s. let me know if you need help figuring out hyper-links, uploading pictures, adding labels, archiving or anything else! B.